‘샛별’을 뜻하는 ‘NOVA’는
서울대, 연세대 등을 졸업하고
음악성을 중시하는 젊은 색소포니스트들이 만든
앙상블 팀입니다.
Classic 주법을 기반으로 하여
대중화된 색소폰의 음색이 아닌 전혀 다른 색깔의
연주를 들으실 수 있습니다.
2013년에 창단되어 ‘헤리티지’ 초청 연주, Arte TV ‘수목콘서트’ 등 각지에서
활발한 연주활동을 하고 있으며, 다양한 레퍼토리와 함께
격조 높은 음악을 위해 새로운 편곡으로
관객들에게 다가가고 있습니다.
‘NOVA’는 당신에게 ‘별빛의 소리’를 드립니다.
"Nova" is also known as "the shining star". "Nova" is formed of a group of graduates from Seoul national university and yonsei university who are passionate for music. With its classical performing style, you can experience the uniqueness of "Nova".
The "Nova" was established in 2013. "Nova" has performed on weekly concert at Arte TV. "Nova" continues to actively perform with various repertoire ans trendy styles that can be loved by all people. Let "Nova" pressents "sounds of the stars" to you.
Saxophone! The most popular instrument loved by modern people!
"Nova" illustrates variety of classic, jazz, pop, ans crossover with its saxophone quartet.
"Nova" artistry with its popularity and allows you to taste the beauty of life.
"Nova" brings you a story as well as exciting performance.
-Translated by Jiyun Kim-
有黎明之意的’Nova'团体是 由首尔大学、延世大学等著名院校毕业,
并且以音乐为核心的 年轻萨克斯演奏家而组成的室内乐团体。
2013年创团的 Nova 曾在 KBS "classic odessey" 演出,
也曾受到 "Heritage"应邀演出。 并且在 Arte TV "weekly concert" 等 各种场合进行演出,
‘Nova’将 向您呈现 ‘月光般得声音‘
The members :
Haneul Jang
Tae Young Kim
ALTO : |
Jongbeom Kim
Jaeran So
Kihyun Kim
Jumi Lee
Seung-Dong Lee