» Newsletter Juillet 2017

Newsletter Juillet 2017

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Hello {nom},

The JLV Ligature has evoved...

Our range has expanded
with the arrival of the ligature for contrabass clarinet and bass saxophone.

New declension

"The Concertist", platinum & 24k gold plated finish. More than just a new finish, a new manufacturing process for a more harmonic sound.


An invention rewarded 
Prix Lépine Paris 2013


For its position on the reed and its Resurfacing function.

Your reed is plated and vibrates throughout its length.

Discover a constellation of harmonics.







Learn more




Finished air leaks


Play without forcing
A more centered sound
More accurate detachments

Play more reeds more longer










The JLV Ligature JLV in video


Simplicity & precision


The JLV Ligature is equipped with two side screws with crimped pads, these are adjustable to suit different mouthpiece diameters.

Passionate, professional or student in 1st year, the JLV Ligature is made for you !










Discover the range of JLV Ligature


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Contact us 

by telephone


0033 (0)1 86 95 86 35 


by email




Photo artistique Ligatures JLV

JLV SOUND - Téléphone : 0033 (0)1 86 95 86 35 - Email : contact@ligature-jlv.com

Adresse : 41 avenue Victor Hugo 77170 Brie Comte Robert France - SARL au capital variable de 1 000 € immatriculée au Registre des Commerces et des Sociétés (R.C.S.) de Melun sous le

numéro de SIRET 793 001 199 00017 - Numéro de TVA FR 39 793 001 199