» » Stéphane SORDET

Stéphane SORDET

Stéphane SORDET - JLV Ligature ambassador for saxophone and clarinet

Stéphane SORDET - JLV Ambassadors - JLV Ligature for saxophone

" We realize what brings the JLV Ligature when comparing with another ligature.
We instantly hear that it brings harmonic richness, but also roundness of sound, performance quality, the accuracy of staccato is considerably improved.
I was at first skeptical and wouldn't have imagined a ligature could do so much... Now I am convinced ! "

Stéphane SORDET 











Saxophonist of the Sillages / Scène National ensemble Quartz-Brest, after having gone through jazz and improvised music, Stéphane Sordet very quickly turned to contemporary music and creation.


With Sillages, he creates numerous works and shows each year, and he participates in the dissemination of the new repertoire to various audiences.


Anxious to develop and disseminate the repertoire, he collaborates and works with many ensembles (Dédalus, Rhizome, Ensemble Spirali ...) and participates in numerous creations with composers from various backgrounds and aesthetics: G.Bustos, A.Alsina , M.Lepauvre, Dazzi, F. Rossé, K. Sakaï, M.Matalon, R.Lemay, B.de la Fuente, D. D'Adamo, J. Torres Maldonado, J. Munoz Bravo, C.Grätzer, JM Lopez Lopez ...


Practicing electro-acoustic music, he incorporates new technologies into his repertoire and plays Sylphyo (he collaborates with the Aodyo company for the development of this instrument). He played a duet with Nicolas Prost and generated numerous orders for electronic instruments.


“Crossover” saxophonist, he plays all saxophones (from bass to sopranino), and enjoys encounters and crossroads of the arts, mixing musical styles and artistic practices. He performs in orchestra, chamber music (reed quartet and various formations), but also with actors (Sylvian Bruchon, Sophie d'Orgeval, DJ Taj) and plays with eclectic formations by mixing improvised music, scholarly music and electronics or jazz and world music, but also with other artistic practices such as dance where he collaborated with choreographer Herwann Asseh.


He has recorded several pieces for France Musique, France Culture and the Robert Martin editions, Notes en Bulles Editions, as well as two CDs with Trimurti (Trio of saxophones).


He is regularly invited to universities, conservatories and other cultural institutions (museums, fine arts schools, cultural centers, etc.) to give lectures on contemporary music, on computer music and creation techniques assisted by computer.


He is the president of the Association of French saxophonists, where he is responsible for the presentation of new repertoires within this association.


He is currently a professor of artistic education at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional in Brest.






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